About Us

MassMall.Com is an online mall (cyber-mall) whose purpose is to connect sellers with buyers. The cyber-mall provides a platform where sellers can list, promote, and sell products online. Buyers use MassMall to view, analyze, and purchase products on sellers' websites if they wish, which makes it easy for sellers to promote and sell products. Our model is unique in that our main objective is the connection of buyers and sellers from different parts of the world.

Our business model does not create competition between us and buyers or sellers; our focus is collaborations with buyers and sellers through connections. We are enhancing buyer-seller relationship through the improvement of the overall product experiences, which is a factor of a reliable, safe and convenient platform. The success of the sellers and the satisfaction of the buyers represent our success.

We only provide a platform for the interaction of buyers and sellers and we do not involve with the selling of the products listed on MassMall. You can purchase them on sellers' websites.

Our compensation is in the small commission that we charge for product referrals on condition that the products have been purchased. However, this does not mean that we do not list products with no referrals or compensation; we regularly update the list so that buyers can be aware of the products. Besides, we have various partner firms that offer additional benefits for our clients. Our involvement in affiliate advertising programs help in the generation of income for sites that advertise and link their products.